1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple

This old photo of Yuncheng, Shanxi in 1942, mainly shows the memorial ceremony of Yanchi Temple in Yuncheng at that time and Guandi Temple in Hehe County

This group of photos is from Yadong Printing Collection. It was from August 1924 to 1944 that the Japanese invaders sent intelligence personnel to take a large number of human and geographical photos of various parts of China, which were published by the Japanese as A Collection of Asian Prints. These photos recorded the living conditions of Chinese people at that time, as well as the geographical features of all parts of the country, giving us a chance to see the historical images of China at that time

The magazine of this group of photos was first published in May 1942, so this group of photos should be taken before May 1942

The following is the photo preview, and the photo annotation is the original annotation translation:

图片[1]-1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple-China Archive

运城 城门附近的市场,此时的运城在日本人的占领之下,照片可以看到很多日本旗。

图片[2]-1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple-China Archive

运城 盐池神庙 祭典盛况

图片[3]-1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple-China Archive

运城 盐池神庙 祭典盛况

图片[4]-1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple-China Archive

运城 盐池神庙 祭典盛况

图片[5]-1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple-China Archive

运城 中条山远眺


图片[6]-1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple-China Archive

解县关帝庙 祭典盛况

图片[7]-1942 Old photos of Yuncheng Yanchi Temple and Jiexian Guandi Temple-China Archive



唐武德元年(618年) 改为解县。贞观十七年(643年)废,二十二年复置,属河中府。五代为解州治。宋、金、元俱称解县。明洪武初并入解州。民国元年(1912年)改解州为解县。1958年并入运城县。

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