The old photo of Jinan in 1942 shows the urban style and living conditions of Jinan 80 years ago
This group of photos is from Yadong Printing Collection. It was from August 1924 to 1944 that the Japanese invaders sent intelligence personnel to take a large number of human and geographical photos of various parts of China, which were published by the Japanese as A Collection of Asian Prints. These photos recorded the living conditions of Chinese people at that time, as well as the geographical features of all parts of the country, giving us a chance to see the historical images of China at that time
The magazine of this group of photos was first published in April 1942, so this group of photos should be taken before April 1942
The following is the photo preview, and the photo annotation is the original annotation translation:
济南 街道上一排运货的独轮车
济南 大街上的水井(不知道是否收费?)
济南 民国时期的饮料屋
济南 坐着大木盆采莲子的小孩
济南 街边下棋的老人。