Henan 18 results
Old photos of Luoyang, Henan in 1907-China Archive

Old photos of Luoyang, Henan in 1907

Old photos of Luoyang, Henan in 19071907年的河南洛阳老照片
The old photo of Guide Mansion (now Shangqiu) in Henan in 1907-China Archive

The old photo of Guide Mansion (now Shangqiu) in Henan in 1907

Share a group of old photos of Guide Mansion (now Shangqiu) in Henan in 1907. Let's have a chance to have a look at Shangqiu hundreds of years ago. Photographer: Sha Wan Emmanuel E...
The old photo of Luoyang, Henan in 1907: Sha Wan-China Archive

The old photo of Luoyang, Henan in 1907: Sha Wan

Share a group of old photos taken in Luoyang, Henan in 1907 by Edward· Shawan Edward· Edouard Chavannes (1865— 1918) is recognized by academia as the world's mo...








大相国寺,原名建国寺,位于开封市自由路西段 ,是中国著名的佛教寺院,始建于北齐天保六年(555年),唐代延和元年(712年),唐睿宗因纪念其由相王登上皇位,赐名大相国寺。北宋时期,相国寺深得皇家尊崇,多次扩建,是京城最大的寺院和全国佛教活动中心。后因战乱水患而损毁。清康熙十年(1671年)重修。现保存有天王殿、大雄宝殿、八角琉璃殿、藏经楼、千手千眼佛等殿宇古迹。1992年8月恢复佛事活动,复建钟、鼓楼等建筑。整座寺院布局严谨,巍峨壮观。










1907 Old photo of Kaifeng, Henan Erzeng Temple, Daguo Xiangsi Temple and Drum Tower 110 years ago

Share a group of old photos of Kaifeng, Henan, in 1907. Let's take a look at the famous scenic spots 110 years ago, such as Erzeng Temple, Daguo Xiangsi Temple, and Kaifeng Drum To...
1906 Old photos of Kaifeng, Henan Longting, Henan garrison office-China Archive

1906 Old photos of Kaifeng, Henan Longting, Henan garrison office

Share a group of old photos of Kaifeng, Henan, taken by Manaheim from 1906 to 1908 开封府龙亭 开封府龙亭 当地百姓 开封当地百姓 开封府河南驻防衙署 清朝时,派驻各地的八旗军,在驻防地...
Photos of Xuchang and other local elders in Luoyang, Henan in 1938-China Archive

Photos of Xuchang and other local elders in Luoyang, Henan in 1938

1938 Photos of Xuchang and other old people in Luoyang, Henan1938年 河南洛阳许昌等地老照片 河南许昌城墙 正在拆除许昌城墙的人 河南许昌的儿童 河南许昌教会学校的师生合影 河南许昌的教...
The old picture of Henan Island in Guangzhou in 1930's Shakford Chinese Photos-China Archive

The old picture of Henan Island in Guangzhou in 1930’s Shakford Chinese Photos

This group of photos is the images of Henan Island (including Lingnan University) in Guangzhou in Shakford China Photos taken from 1930 to 1931. There are 48 old photos in totalHen...
Street View of Anyang, Henan in 1930s-China Archive

Street View of Anyang, Henan in 1930s

In the 1930s, the old photos of Anyang Street View in Henan Province were taken at the end of the 1930s. The photo source is Kyoto University Anyang City is located in the north of...
In 1914, old photos of Henan were taken by Fedek Clapp-China Archive

In 1914, old photos of Henan were taken by Fedek Clapp

In 1914, an old photo of Henan was taken by Fedek Clapp The old photos in this group are American petroleum geologist Frederick Middot in the early years of the Republic of China; ...
1914 Old photos of Kaifeng, Henan Photographed by Frank Meyer-China Archive

1914 Old photos of Kaifeng, Henan Photographed by Frank Meyer

In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), an old photo was taken in Kaifeng, Henan. Photographed by Meyer, Frank Nicholas Frank· Nicholas· Meyer (Frank N. Me...