Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time

Share a group of old photos of Tianjin in 1937 to see the historical features of Tianjin in the period of the Republic of China

This group of photos is from the Japanese magazineThe 157th issue of Yadong Prints.

The issue date of the magazine where this group of photos belongs is August 1937, so this group of photos was taken before August 1937.

The following is a preview of this group of photos:

图片[1]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津,大沽和塘沽附近的海河水面。


图片[2]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津,塘沽口的码头。远远看去,大小船只非常多。

图片[3]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津码头。


图片[4]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津东站。


图片[5]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津日租界的旭街(今和平路)一景。

图片[6]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津,意大利租界。


图片[7]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津城内的街景。


图片[8]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津,海河上的万国桥,连通各国租界,桥位于当时的法租界入口,由法租界工部局修建,又称法国桥。

图片[9]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津,运输棉花的舟船。

图片[10]-Old photos of Tianjin in 1937. The commercial prosperity of Tianjin at that time-China Archive

1937年 天津,日本人建在天津日租界的大和公园。

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