Tianjin 36 results
Old photos of Tianjin in 1900-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin in 1900

Old photos of Tianjin in 19001900年的天津老照片
Old photos of Tianjin in 1909-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin in 1909

Old photos of Tianjin in 19091909年 天津老照片 德租界 俄租界 利顺德饭店 英国俱乐部 海河风景 法租界 日租界 李鸿章祠堂 大胡同金华桥
Old photos of Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty from 1900 to 2002-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty from 1900 to 2002

Old photos | 1900-1902 Old photos of Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty老照片 | 1900-1902年晚清天津老照片。 图1:1900年法租界的酒店; 图2:1900年,身挂手枪的小男孩。那手枪,看样子还...
Old photos of Tianjin in 1900 (II)-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin in 1900 (II)

Old photos of Tianjin in 1900 (II);, For the first group, see&nbspAn old photo of Tianjin in 1900<nbsp;<p 天津,美军的临时运输车队。 
Photos of Tianjin Wei Lao in 1906-China Archive

Photos of Tianjin Wei Lao in 1906

Photographic materials of Tianjin Weilao in 1906: blatent1906年的天津卫老照片 摄影资料:blaurent 望海楼附近地区。望海楼教堂位于天津市河北区狮子林大街西端北侧,以其旧址望海楼而得名...
30 old photos of Tianjin at the end of the Qing Dynasty-China Archive

30 old photos of Tianjin at the end of the Qing Dynasty

30 old photos of Tianjin in the late Qing Dynasty; At a glance inside and outside Tianjin30副清末的天津老照片 一览天津内外 【1905年的李公祠】李公祠即李鸿章祠堂,清光绪三十一年...
Old photos of Dagukou, Tianjin from 1900 to 2001-China Archive

Old photos of Dagukou, Tianjin from 1900 to 2001

1900-1901 Old photos of Dagukou, TianjinThe description of events reflected in the photos is still being searched&hellip& hellip;1900-1901年 天津大沽口老照片 照片反应的事件...
Scene of the Eight Power Allied Forces Attacking Tianjin in 1900 (Part 1)-China Archive

Scene of the Eight Power Allied Forces Attacking Tianjin in 1900 (Part 1)

This group of old photos is a live shot of the Eight Power Allied Forces attacking Tianjin in 1900, from a Russian websiteIntroduction to the original text: БитвазаТянь...
Scene of the Eight Power Allied Forces Attacking Tianjin in 1900 (Part 2)-China Archive

Scene of the Eight Power Allied Forces Attacking Tianjin in 1900 (Part 2)

This group of old photos is the second part of the live shot scene of the Eight Power Allied Forces attacking Tianjin in 1900, which is from the Russian websiteSeeThe live shot sce...
Old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909 (2)-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909 (2)

Old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909 (2), fromThe Grand View of the Northern Qing Dynasty Published by the photo studio The following is a preview of some photos:ps: The Japanese ...