Old photos of Nanjing in 1938 Impression of the ancient city of Nanjing after the war

This group of photos is an old photo of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, in 1938, mainly taking pictures of the city of Nanjing after the Japanese occupation. The photo was taken from the 173th edition of Yadong Prints, a Japanese magazine issued between August 1924 and 1944

The issue date of the magazine in which the photos of this group were taken was December 1938, so the photos of this group were taken before December 1938

Preview of this group of photos:

图片[1]-Old photos of Nanjing in 1938 Impression of the ancient city of Nanjing after the war-China Archive

1938年南京 清凉禅寺

图片[2]-Old photos of Nanjing in 1938 Impression of the ancient city of Nanjing after the war-China Archive

1938年南京 朝天宫,此处的位置为南京城最早的城址所在地。

图片[3]-Old photos of Nanjing in 1938 Impression of the ancient city of Nanjing after the war-China Archive

1938年南京 雨花台附近,秦淮河上。

图片[4]-Old photos of Nanjing in 1938 Impression of the ancient city of Nanjing after the war-China Archive

1938年南京 胜棋楼上,观莫愁湖风光。

图片[5]-Old photos of Nanjing in 1938 Impression of the ancient city of Nanjing after the war-China Archive

1938年南京 光华门下,两匹骡马托着货物前行。

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