Misty River and Layered Ridges

Misty River and Layered Ridges

  • Image Number: K2A001081N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Dong Qichang;董其昌
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 30.7×141.4、拖尾30.7×36.5
  • Description:
    Dong Qichang (1555-1636 AD) was a native of Huating (now Shanghai). The word is Xuanzai, and the number is Sibai. To discuss painting with the Southern and Northern Clans, and push the Southern Clan Dong and Ju into orthodoxy. This painting is titled in Jiayin year (1614). It is known that it was his old work ten years ago (about 50 years old). Wang Shen of the Song Dynasty once painted a picture of the overlapping peaks of the Yanjiang River, and Su Dongpo wrote a poem on it. Neither of them has been handed down to this day. Dong felt the loss of the painting, so he painted it according to his intention. However, since it was autumn, the original spring scene of Wang Shen was changed to autumn scene. The picture is more chapped and less dyed, with simple lines, clear and pleasant.

 明董其昌江疊嶂圖 卷

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