Monk’s cap ewer with ruby red glaze, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign, 1426-1435

Monk’s cap ewer with ruby red glaze, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign, 1426-1435

  • Image Number: K1B017764N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The edge of the pot mouth is gradually raised in three stages, which looks like a Sinhala hat, sharp and smooth, like a flat handle, with a long neck and big belly, short legs, a bead shaped button dome cover, and a round small series. The fetal bone is thin and solid. It is covered with copper red glaze. The color is as bright as ruby. The inner and outer bottoms of the utensil are covered with white glaze. There is no glaze at the bottom edge of the circle foot, and the white body is exposed. White edges are seen at the edges and corners of the pot mouth. Xuande ruby red glaze is called by the world. A white glaze “light grass edge” is often left on the mouth, foot or turning edge.

明 宣德 寶石紅釉僧帽壺
图片[2]-Monk’s cap ewer with ruby red glaze, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign, 1426-1435-China Archive
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