Monk-cap-shaped ewer with Tibetan letters, lotus and paired dragons decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

Monk-cap-shaped ewer with Tibetan letters, lotus and paired dragons decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

  • Image Number: K1B012548N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Monk hat pot got its name because the shape of the mouth edge is similar to the hat shape of Tibetan Buddhist monks. This monk hat pot has a sharp flow, flat curved handle, a long neck, a large abdomen, short legs, and no cover. The whole vessel is decorated with blue and white flowers, and some of the patterns are obviously scattered. Along the inner side of the mouth, you can draw lotus and double dragons, while on the outside, you can draw ganoderma lucidum. The neck and mouth of the utensil are also decorated with lotus and double dragons. The upper and lower parts of the flat arc handle are decorated with wishful patterns, with glossy ganoderma turning branches painted in the middle. There are six Ruyi cloud head type lights painted on the shoulder of the body, each with a broken branch lotus. Twelve deformed lotus petals are painted under the belly of the utensil, and a circle of curly grass patterns is painted under it. There is a circle of Tibetan scriptures in the center of the organ. This monk hat pot has a blue and white “Xuande Nian” four character two line double circle regular script on the outsole. In the middle of the belly of the monk’s cap pot is written the auspicious praise, which means: “Good luck day and night, good luck in all times; those who are always lucky day and night, wish only

明 宣德 青花藏文穿蓮雙龍紋僧帽壺

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