Old photos of Tianjin taken by Frederick Clapp in 1914
A group of old photos of Shanghai in 1914. This group of old photos is the American petroleum geologist Frederick Middot in the early years of the Republic of China; Frederick G. C...
The first generation of Dahongqiao Jinhua Bridge and Drum Tower seen in the old photos of Tianjin in 1900
Tonight, I'm sharing a group of old photos of Tianjin in the 1900s This group of photos contains the images of many famous buildings in Tianjin during the late Qing Dynasty, such a...
The old photos of Tianjin in 1926 The style and features of Tianjin street market a hundred years ago
A group of old photos of Tianjin in 1926, showing the style and features of the streets and markets in Tianjin a hundred years ago. This group of photos is from the Japanese magazi...
Photos of Tianjin Wei Lao in 1906
Photographic materials of Tianjin Weilao in 1906: blatent1906年的天津卫老照片 摄影资料:blaurent 望海楼附近地区。望海楼教堂位于天津市河北区狮子林大街西端北侧,以其旧址望海楼而得名...
1941 Old photo of Nankai University in Tianjin The campus ravaged by Japanese artillery
Share a group of old photos of Nankai University in Tianjin in 1941 and images of Nankai University campus ravaged by Japanese artillery On July 7, 1937, the July 7th Lugouqiao Inc...
Old photos of Tianjin in 1917 Scenes of Tianjin before and after the 1917 flood (1)
Old photos of Tianjin in 1917 People in Tianjin's Great FloodSidney· David· Sidney&middlet; David&middlet; Gamble (1890-1968) is an American social economist,...
Old photos of Tianjin in 1920s: French Concession style a hundred years ago
A group of old photos of Tianjin in 1920s from the archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through which we can have a look at the French Concession in Tianjin a hundre...
Old photos of Dagukou, Tianjin from 1900 to 2001
1900-1901 Old photos of Dagukou, TianjinThe description of events reflected in the photos is still being searched&hellip& hellip;1900-1901年 天津大沽口老照片 照片反应的事件...
Old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909 (2)
Old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909 (2), fromThe Grand View of the Northern Qing Dynasty Published by the photo studio The following is a preview of some photos:ps: The Japanese ...