Tianjin 36 results 2页
Old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909 (3)-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909 (3)

This group of old photos is the third part of the old photos of Tianjin scenery in 1909. This group of photos comes fromGrand View of the Northern Qing Dynasty.(Grand View of the N...
The first generation of Dahongqiao Jinhua Bridge and Drum Tower seen in the old photos of Tianjin in 1900-China Archive

The first generation of Dahongqiao Jinhua Bridge and Drum Tower seen in the old photos of Tianjin in 1900

Tonight, I'm sharing a group of old photos of Tianjin in the 1900s This group of photos contains the images of many famous buildings in Tianjin during the late Qing Dynasty, such a...
Old photos of Dagukou Fort in Tianjin in 1860 The cruel scene after the attack of the British and French allied forces-China Archive

Old photos of Dagukou Fort in Tianjin in 1860 The cruel scene after the attack of the British and French allied forces

Share a group of old photos of Dagukou Fort in Tianjin in 1860. This is a real history, recording the tragic scene after the British and French forces broke through Dagukou Fort du...
Photographed by Henry Coulaud, a group of old photos in Manchu and Manchu Zhili regions in 1900-China Archive

Photographed by Henry Coulaud, a group of old photos in Manchu and Manchu Zhili regions in 1900

Share a group of old photos of the Manchu Zhili area (now part of Tianjin and Hebei) from 1900 to 2001. The photographer of this group of photos is: Henry CoulaudHenry Coulaud (187...
Old photos of Tianjin City after the Eight Nation Allied Forces sacked in 1900-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin City after the Eight Nation Allied Forces sacked in 1900

In 1900, the Eight Power Allied Forces invaded China. In June, led by British Admiral Seymour, they set out from the Tianjin Concession to invade Beijing. The year is the year of G...
Postcard from Tianjin to Beijing in 1915-China Archive

Postcard from Tianjin to Beijing in 1915

Postcard sent by Tianjin to Beijing in 19151915年天津发北京的明信片
Old photos of Tianjin citizens' life in 1930s-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin citizens’ life in 1930s

Old photos of Tianjin citizens' life in the 1930s1930年代 天津市民生活老照片 益世报。☆益世报,中华民国大陆时期一家隶属于天主教会的报纸,由比利时籍神父雷鸣远于1915年10月10日在天津...
Old photos of Tianjin concession in 1930s-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin concession in 1930s

Old photos of Tianjin concession in 1930s1930年代 天津租界老照片 天津意租界始设于1902年。界址为:东北自意中交界路(今兴隆街)沿京山铁路至俄租界,南沿波格拉尼路(今五经路)与俄租界...
Old photos of Tianjin taken by Frederick Clapp in 1914-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin taken by Frederick Clapp in 1914

A group of old photos of Shanghai in 1914. This group of old photos is the American petroleum geologist Frederick Middot in the early years of the Republic of China; Frederick G. C...
Rare, old photos of Tianjin in 1926-China Archive

Rare, old photos of Tianjin in 1926

Rare old photos of Tianjin in 1926. Most of the old photos in this group were taken by Swiss botanist Albert Middleot; The photo taken by Frey Wislin (1900-1988) during his trip to...