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Images of Chengdu Imperial City in the 1910s-China Archive

Images of Chengdu Imperial City in the 1910s

Images of Chengdu Imperial City in the 1910s1910年代的成都皇城影像
Grand occasion of Qingyang Palace Fair in Chengdu in 1911-China Archive

Grand occasion of Qingyang Palace Fair in Chengdu in 1911

​&# 8203;&# 8203; A group of rare old photos show the grand occasion of Chengdu Qingyang Palace Fair in 1911 ​​​围观一组难得的老照片反映1911年成都青...
Stunning out of print photos of

Stunning out of print photos of “exquisite historic sites” in old Beijing

​&# 8203; A group of old Beijing“ Exquisite historic sites” Old photos, let's feel it together ​​一组老北京“精美古迹”老照片,一起来感...
Old photos of Tianjin in 1909-China Archive

Old photos of Tianjin in 1909

Old photos of Tianjin in 19091909年 天津老照片 德租界 俄租界 利顺德饭店 英国俱乐部 海河风景 法租界 日租界 李鸿章祠堂 大胡同金华桥
Ten old photos of West Lake in Hangzhou in 1911-China Archive

Ten old photos of West Lake in Hangzhou in 1911

The ten old photos of Hangzhou West Lake in 19111911年的 杭州西湖十景老照片 西湖十景为:苏堤春晓、断桥残雪、曲院风荷、花港观鱼、柳浪闻莺、雷峰夕照、三潭印月、平湖秋月、双峰插云、南...
Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002

Top secret exposure: old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002. Seeing this group of pictures, I suddenly realized its shock. The huge red and white buildings built in th...
Old photos of Mount Tai in Shandong in 1907-China Archive

Old photos of Mount Tai in Shandong in 1907

Old photos of Mount Tai in Shandong in 19071907年的山东泰山老照片 泰安府岱庙 泰安府岱宗坊 泰山玉皇庙 泰安府泰阴碑 泰安府汉代古柏 泰山玉皇顶 泰山脚下的玉皇庙 泰山脚下的玉皇庙 泰山南...
Archaeological investigators at home and abroad from 1909 to 2018-China Archive

Archaeological investigators at home and abroad from 1909 to 2018

Tomb investigation pictures taken by the French investigation team from 1909-1988. This group of photos was taken by the French Sinologist Segalan during his archaeological survey ...
Old photos of Fuzhou, Fujian from 1870-1872-China Archive

Old photos of Fuzhou, Fujian from 1870-1872

1870· Old photos of Fuzhou, Fujian1870年· 福建福州老照片 闽江边 万寿桥 福州城景象 福州城景象 福州船政局 闽江边从乌山顶向东远眺景象 闽江边从乌山顶向东远眺景象 闽江与万...
Old photos of Chengdu in the late Qing Dynasty in 1911-China Archive

Old photos of Chengdu in the late Qing Dynasty in 1911

Old photos of Chengdu in late Qing Dynasty in 1911. This group is composed of American Luther&Middleton; The precious old photos of the late Qing Dynasty taken by Ed in 1911, L...