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Various life scenes and characters in Beijing in 1906-China Archive

Various life scenes and characters in Beijing in 1906

In 1906, various life scenes and characters in Beijing1906年北京千姿百态的生活场景和人物影像
Old photos of Fuzhou, Fujian in 1876-China Archive

Old photos of Fuzhou, Fujian in 1876

Old photos of Fuzhou in 18761876年 福州老照片 仓前山英国领事馆 万寿桥 大樟溪 涌泉寺 方广岩 福州金山寺 员山水寨 福州白塔寺也称定光塔寺 清代大臣陈若霖墓位于福州市盖山镇北园山头岭东麓...
Old photos of Shanghai citizens' life in 1907-China Archive

Old photos of Shanghai citizens’ life in 1907

A group of old photos of Shanghai in 1907 reveals the diverse life scenes of Shanghai citizens in the late Qing Dynasty&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203;1907年的上海...
Social Scene Painting of Asian China in the Eyes of Westerners in the 1850s-China Archive

Social Scene Painting of Asian China in the Eyes of Westerners in the 1850s

In the 1850s, Westerners saw Asia and China's social scene paintingIn the period when photography was not invented, painting records reflected social life and historical events, wh...
Old photos of social scenes in Asia and China in the eyes of Westerners in the 1850s-China Archive

Old photos of social scenes in Asia and China in the eyes of Westerners in the 1850s

Although this photo album was originally marked as Asia and China in the 1850s, according to the analysis of many picture scenarios, the time covered by this group of pictures will...
Early Qing Dynasty Painting: Impression of the Qing Empire-China Archive

Early Qing Dynasty Painting: Impression of the Qing Empire

Early Qing Dynasty painting: the impression of the Qing Empire. This group of painting photos may reflect the social scene of the early 19th century. At that time, photography tech...
Old photos of Beijing taken by Zhang Bolin in 1909 (I)-China Archive

Old photos of Beijing taken by Zhang Bolin in 1909 (I)

The old photos of Beijing taken by Zhang Bolin in 1909; Chamberlin, Thomas Crowder, American geologist. Born on September 25, 1843 in Matong, Illinois; He died in Chicago, Illinois...
Old Color Photos of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China (II)-China Archive

Old Color Photos of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China (II)

  First of all, these photos were taken by foreign friends. At that time, they were all black and white photos. The photos we will see next are all colored by modern technolog...
Old Color Photos in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China (I)-China Archive

Old Color Photos in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China (I)

Old Color Photos in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China (I)Color photo technology was invented in 1861, the year when Cixi officially took office. This group of p...
Old photos of Beijing taken by Zhang Bolin in 1909 (II)-China Archive

Old photos of Beijing taken by Zhang Bolin in 1909 (II)

After the Opium War, the ancient gate of China was opened by the western ships. The western industrial civilization world is full of mystery and yearning for the ancient oriental c...