Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002

Top secret exposure: old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002. Seeing this group of pictures, I suddenly realized its shock. The huge red and white buildings built in the wilderness and on the mountains looked like a heavenly palace to the slaves of civilians at that time, and the people who could live in them should also exist like gods

绝密曝光,1899年-1902年的西藏布达拉宫老照片。 看到这组图突然才意识到它的震撼。 那建在旷野之中,高山之上,红白相间的硕大建筑,在当时的平民的奴隶们看来,有如天宫,而能住在其中的人,应该也是神明一样的存在吧。

图片[1]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

图片[2]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

图片[3]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

图片[4]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive
图片[5]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

图片[6]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

图片[7]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

图片[8]-Old photos of Potala Palace in Tibet from 1899-1002-China Archive

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