Runde Dose mit Blumendekor, Ming-Dynastie, Yongle-Periode (1403-1424)

Runde Dose mit Blumendekor, Ming-Dynastie, Yongle-Periode (1403-1424)

  • Image Number: K1H000557N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Lacquer wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Plants/Paint/
  • Description:
    Cane section type box, child mother mouth, round foot, bottom and inside the box are painted with brown paint. The box is covered with broken camellia. A trunk starts from the lower right side of the box, after a large flower, it extends to the left and right branches, with one flower each, and a group of three compound leaves in the center. The leaves are arranged upward along the direction of the growth of the branches and leaves, interspersed with half open flowers and buds, and the flowers and leaves are arranged orderly. The flower shape is complete, the leaves are set off in the middle, and the objects are clear and lively. The paint color is red, the knife technique is neat, the yellow paint between objects is exposed, the petals and leaves are undulating and delicate, polished roundly, and the veins and patterns of leaves are portrayed smoothly. The methodical organization and precise workmanship fully demonstrate the high official level of Yongle Dynasty. On the side, there are twig flowers, camellia, peony, chrysanthemum, gardenia, wavy branches and leaves, and the flowers are arranged in pairs.

明 永樂款 剔紅茶花圓盒
图片[2]-Runde Dose mit Blumendekor, Ming-Dynastie, Yongle-Periode (1403-1424)-China Archive
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