Illustrating and Calligraphing The Record of the Tsui-weng Pavilion

Illustrating and Calligraphing The Record of the Tsui-weng Pavilion

  • Image Number: K2A001067N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: 謝時臣
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 畫27.1×112.4、書27.1×518.7、引首27.3×55
  • Description:
    Xie Shichen (after 1488-1567 AD), a native of Wu, has a style of painting that combines Wu and Zhejiang Records of Zuiweng Pavilion “is an article about the scenes of Zuiweng Pavilion, a famous scenic spot in Chuzhou, when Ouyang Xiu of Song Dynasty was demoted to Chuzhou. Xie Shichen used the scenery described in the article as the theme, painting verdant mountains and forests, winding paths, and a small pavilion on the stream, where the scholars drank and enjoyed themselves. The mountains were filled with clouds, reflecting the reality and the emptiness. Presents the beautiful scenery and the artistic conception of leisure and self satisfaction in the article “The Story of Zuiweng Pavilion”. At the end of the volume, the story of Zuiweng Pavilion is written in cursive style.

明謝時臣醉翁亭記書畫合璧 卷

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