Ding-shaped censer in white glaze, Ming to Qing dynasty, 16th-18th century

Ding-shaped censer in white glaze, Ming to Qing dynasty, 16th-18th century

  • Image Number: C1B000327N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    It has a wide mouth, round lips, short neck, round belly, three feet, and double ears. White glaze shall be applied outside and around the mouth, the glaze shall be white and turn yellow, and the glaze shall be smooth and smooth with fine light color. The fetus is exposed in the abdomen, the color of the fetus is grayish yellow, and the sole of the foot is unglazed. Wen Zhenheng, in the discussion of censers in Volume VII of Changwu Annals, mentioned that “Three Dynasties, Qin, Han Ding and Guan, Ge, Ding, Longquan and Xuan kilns are all ready for appreciation, not for daily use”, clearly pointing out the appreciation nature of bronze and ceramic censers. For example, this white porcelain tripod furnace should also be a contemporary work under the whole appreciation trend.

明至清 十六至十八世紀 白瓷鼎式爐
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