Writing brush holder with scene of sages. Carved red lacquerware. Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century

Writing brush holder with scene of sages. Carved red lacquerware. Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century

  • Image Number: C1H000055N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Lacquer wares
  • Function: Stationery and stationery
  • Material: Plants/Paint/
  • Description:
    It is vertical, with three legs at the bottom, and the mouth is decorated in a rice shaped brocade belt. Eight immortals are carved on the body to celebrate the birthday. The composition is divided into three sections. The close view is a small hill, where cranes and deer walk. In the middle section, eight immortals are arranged in a row, with Zhang Guolao as the leader, holding a birthday peach in hand, to present it to the Queen Mother of the West above. Han Zhongli, the second of the Eight Immortals, released a strange light. Li Tieguai’s gourd, the fourth of the Eight Immortals, released smoke into the sky and went up to the sky with the pine trees behind the line, breaking the gap between the middle section and the upper section. The Queen Mother of the West is riding on the phoenix, and the front and rear waiters are embracing each other. The scene is lively. The paint layer is thick and dark red. The brocade ground is covered with trees and clouds, and the upper layer is covered with figures. There are many carving layers, and the knife is straight and steep.

明 十六-十七世紀 剔紅八仙慶壽人物筆筒
图片[2]-Writing brush holder with scene of sages. Carved red lacquerware. Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Writing brush holder with scene of sages. Carved red lacquerware. Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century-China Archive
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