Bowl with cafe-au lait glaze, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)

Bowl with cafe-au lait glaze, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)

  • Image Number: K1B014554N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    A wide mouth, a deep arc wall, and a shallow circle of feet. Except for the bottom center, the whole vessel is decorated with purple gold glaze. The color is dark orange yellow with metallic light. It is even bright and elegant, and has no decorative pattern. The bottom of the vessel is painted with white glaze, and there are two lines and six characters in regular script in the blue and white book “Made in Jiajing Year of the Ming Dynasty”, with double circles. Purple gold glaze, also known as paste glaze and persimmon colored glaze, is a high-temperature glaze with iron as the colorant.

明 嘉靖 紫金釉大碗
图片[2]-Bowl with cafe-au lait glaze, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)-China Archive
图片[3]-Bowl with cafe-au lait glaze, Ming dynasty, Jiajing reign (1522-1566)-China Archive
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