Bowl with lotus pond in underglaze blue and gilt motif of curling leaves, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424

Bowl with lotus pond in underglaze blue and gilt motif of curling leaves, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424

  • Image Number: K1B004408N000000000PAF
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Edible utensil
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    A wide mouth, a curved wall, and a short circle of feet. The inner mouth of the utensil is painted along the blue and white flowers with a double line hook and a diagonal grid pattern. The diagonal grid is left with four white petals, and four green lines are added at the top and bottom. The inner wall of the bowl is painted with the patterns of intertwining branches and leaves in mud gold, the blue and white flowers in the center of the bowl are decorated with the patterns of water algae in the lotus pond, and the pattern of lock brocade is wrapped around the outside. The blue and white flowers below the outer wall mouth are painted with double woven rope patterns, and gold dots are decorated inside. The outer wall is blue and white flower and leaf patterns, or vine and grape patterns. Two green lines are added between the patterns. The blue and white flowers are bright and colorful, and the white glaze is slightly bluish. The fetal bone is even and light, and the ring foot is exposed to the fetus, which is firm and delicate. With gold painted hexagonal snowflake pattern on the bottom. There are two types of this type of objects in our hospital, namely, non patterns and hexagonal snowflake patterns. The hexagonal snowflake patterns are divided into blue and white (the whole object is decorated with blue and white) and gold strokes. In addition, there are blue and white wares with Xuande style. The fetal bone is heavy and the ring foot is slightly wide; The same type of Yongle ware has lighter fetal bone

明 永樂  青花描金卷草蓮紋碗
图片[2]-Bowl with lotus pond in underglaze blue and gilt motif of curling leaves, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424-China Archive
图片[3]-Bowl with lotus pond in underglaze blue and gilt motif of curling leaves, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign, 1403-1424-China Archive
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