Jade Yi water vessel, late Ming to early Qing period, c. 16th-17th century

Jade Yi water vessel, late Ming to early Qing period, c. 16th-17th century

  • Image Number: K1C001718N000000000PAF
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: furnishings
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    It is made of bluish white glittering jade with a few spots. The style of imitation antique bronze ware. The mouth edge has a circular pattern, the abdomen is carved with a round vortex pattern, and the top of the handle is decorated with a flat piece of animal face. It is attached with lotus leaf shaped seat, large leaf carrier and small leaf engraved with imperial poem “Yuzhi Ballad”. This “Yuzhi Ballad” was chanted in the 8th year of Qianlong’s reign (1743), which is the earliest piece of Gaozong’s imperial poems inscribed on jade in our hospital. In the poem, it was written, “Like a fat white jade pint,… how can you drink wine, sleep on flowers, and fly on the moon? It is not appropriate to recommend clear water, and play profanity… You will never be able to give up your precepts, and you will become a real teacher.” In other words, this jade ware should not be tasted and played with the function of a living utensil and the mood of romance and snow, but should be understood with a solemn attitude and the role of a king. In the following decades, he repeatedly emphasized the same point of view, as if to declare that jade appreciation is not a loss of purpose, but

明晚期至清早期 玉匜
图片[2]-Jade Yi water vessel, late Ming to early Qing period, c. 16th-17th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Jade Yi water vessel, late Ming to early Qing period, c. 16th-17th century-China Archive
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