Round box with peony decor Filled-in lacquerware, Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century

Round box with peony decor Filled-in lacquerware, Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century

  • Image Number: K1H000386N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Lacquer wares
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Plants/Paint/
  • Description:
    Cane section type box, thin tire, flat bottom, and red brown paint on the bottom and inside the box. The side of the box is decorated with eight palindromes. The branches and leaves at the top and bottom of the characters are like wavy branches, and the leaves are scattered. The box surface is covered with flower shaped hexagonal lattice brocade ground. One branch of peony enters the center of the picture from the bottom left and is divided into two stems. The branches overlap in front of and behind. One branch on the back is tall and upright, and the right branch slants to the left. Each of the four branches has a peony with its own posture, either front or side or back. The leaf configuration is balanced and the picture is harmonious. The light and heavy changes of the outline lines of the flowers and leaves, the brushwork lines, the ground lines of the red rehmannia lines and the white flowers and green leaves, highlight the color without losing elegance.

明 十六至十七世紀 填漆牡丹圓盒
图片[2]-Round box with peony decor Filled-in lacquerware, Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century-China Archive
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