Rongxi Studio

Rongxi Studio

  • Image Number: K2A000299N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: 倪瓚
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 74.7×35.5
  • Description:
    Ni Zan painted this in Renzi (1372, the fifth year of Hongwu), and two years later, he inscribed it to Doctor Pan Renzhong. By this time, it was the Ming Dynasty. Ni Zan had given up his family business and wandered in the Taihu Lake for nearly 20 years since the Jiangnan riots at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. The painting depicts the scenery on both sides of a river, with a broad slope in the foreground, but the empty pavilion is more simple. The folding belt chapped pen derived from the Jingguan style not only blurs the outline of the rocks, but also transforms Dong Yuan’s wet and thick strokes into a simple and clean style. The appearance of Dong Yuan, who was instructed by Huang Gongwang in Ni Zan’s painting “Six Gentlemen” more than 20 years ago, has been transformed into a more refined formal vocabulary.

The Jung-hsi Studio

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