Stem bowl with celadon glaze, Yuan dynasty, 14th century

Stem bowl with celadon glaze, Yuan dynasty, 14th century

  • Image Number: K1B017464N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The bowl is high and round, with a wide body and curved walls; Feet are tall and thin, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The whole vessel is covered with beige blue glaze, the surface is grayish white, and the glaze is covered with clear pieces; Light brown thin lines between black lines are characteristic of the glaze color of the so-called “gold wire and iron wire” of the ancient Ge Kiln. The rim glaze is thin and dark brown. The glaze in Gaozuli is slightly green, and the wheel marks are obvious. The foot margin is flat cut without glaze, and the gray black body is exposed at the peeling place. “Ge Kiln” is a kind of light colored celadon, which has many pieces and is finely broken. It is called “broken ware”. It is generally believed that it is a work imitating the official kiln series, and may also be from Longquan Kiln. However, the name of the kiln was not recorded in literature until the end of the Yuan Dynasty, which may be the period of its prevalence. Tall cups and bowls appeared in a large number in the Yuan Dynasty. The feet were thin and tall, which was suitable for holding; A blue and white goblet unearthed from Gao’an cellar in Jiangxi Province has a poem in it, suggesting that it was used as a wine vessel. From the print, Gao

元 青瓷高足碗

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