Bronze seal cast with Mongolian Phags-pa script, “Xin fu long ji”, Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)

Bronze seal cast with Mongolian Phags-pa script, “Xin fu long ji”, Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)

  • Image Number: K1A001822N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: emperor’s seal
  • Material: Mineral/Metal/Bronze
  • Description:
    The pin button is thin and has a small round hole. There is a small dot on the upper right corner of the print back plate, which should indicate the up and down direction of the print. The lower end of the printing edge is engraved with a mark, or the above functions are enhanced. The printed surface is rectangular, carved with four characters in Yang, which is translated into Chinese in the seal script of Basiba characters. The order is from top left, bottom left, top right, and bottom right. It can be translated into “Xin Fu Long Ji”, which should be included in the private name seal.

元 「辛伏龍記」八思巴文銅印
图片[2]-Bronze seal cast with  Mongolian Phags-pa script, “Xin fu long ji”, Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)-China Archive
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