Song on an Ancient Light-Transmitting Mirror

Song on an Ancient Light-Transmitting Mirror

  • Image Number: K2B000162N000000005PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Xianyu Shu;鮮于樞
  • Form: 冊(摺裝)
  • Description:
    Xianyushu (1246 - 1302) was named Boji, and it was named Qianxuemin. Calligraphy is famous for its roundness. It advocates “retro style” and Zhao Mengfu’s “two wonders”, and is an important calligrapher in the Yuan Dynasty. It is reported that Xianyu’s family once had a “light transmitting mirror” for the collection of fine calligraphy, painting, gold and stone. This mirror can show patterns on the back of the mirror in the shadow of refraction, or because it has such a rare treasure, the poem “Fu Bo Yu Light Transmitting Mirror” written by Ma Jiuchou, the golden man, is written in block letters. This volume is well written, taking the advantages of inscriptions in the Southern Dynasty such as the “Buried Crane” and regular script in the Tang Dynasty as well. It is open to the public, and most of the books are written by the center. It is one of Xianyu’s masterpieces handed down from generation to generation.

元鮮于樞書透光古鏡歌 冊 05

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