Period:Tang dynasty Production date:851-900 (circa)
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Subjects:bodhisattva child vessel 菩薩 (Chinese) 兒童 (Chinese) 供養人 (Chinese) 器皿 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 74.70 centimetres Width: 55.50 centimetres
Painting of Avalokiteśvara holding a vase, accompanied by two child donors. Blank cartouche at top left. Ink and colour on silk.
![图片[2]-painting; 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.21-China Archive]( dynasty/Paintings/mid_RFC621_Bottom.jpg)
Comments:EnglishFrom Whitfield 1983:This picture derives much of its appeal from the charming figures of youthful donors on either side, one with the twin knots of hair worn by young boys, rosy cheeks and a kind of apron with red cloud motifs worn over trousers, the other with hair loose and a jacket with large red floral motifs over a skirt reaching to the ankles. The formality of the central figure, with its well-rounded outlines, large face and long arms, and stylized pattern of scarves and ornaments, contrasts with the informal depiction of these two children. As with the following painting, which must be of a similar date, the cartouche in the upper corner is left blank. ChineseFrom Whitfield 1983:此畫最大的魅力在於觀音兩脅出現的供養人可愛的形象。一身是少年,頭髮梳成雙髻,褲子上穿著粉色花紋的圍裙狀物(參照圖2-2)。另一身是少女,頭髮左右垂落,到腳跟的裳上著紅色花紋的上衣。與這兩身童子悠然自得的神態相對照,觀音表現的比較模式化。天衣和裝飾品的表現也格式化,身體曲線是圓形的,頭大,手臂非常長。與同時期製作的下一圖的觀世音菩薩像一樣,畫面左上角的長方形題箋中沒記任何文字。
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Subjects:bodhisattva child vessel 菩薩 (Chinese) 兒童 (Chinese) 供養人 (Chinese) 器皿 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 74.70 centimetres Width: 55.50 centimetres
Painting of Avalokiteśvara holding a vase, accompanied by two child donors. Blank cartouche at top left. Ink and colour on silk.
![图片[1]-painting; 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.21-China Archive]( dynasty/Paintings/mid_RFC621_Top.jpg)
![图片[2]-painting; 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.21-China Archive]( dynasty/Paintings/mid_RFC621_Bottom.jpg)
Comments:EnglishFrom Whitfield 1983:This picture derives much of its appeal from the charming figures of youthful donors on either side, one with the twin knots of hair worn by young boys, rosy cheeks and a kind of apron with red cloud motifs worn over trousers, the other with hair loose and a jacket with large red floral motifs over a skirt reaching to the ankles. The formality of the central figure, with its well-rounded outlines, large face and long arms, and stylized pattern of scarves and ornaments, contrasts with the informal depiction of these two children. As with the following painting, which must be of a similar date, the cartouche in the upper corner is left blank. ChineseFrom Whitfield 1983:此畫最大的魅力在於觀音兩脅出現的供養人可愛的形象。一身是少年,頭髮梳成雙髻,褲子上穿著粉色花紋的圍裙狀物(參照圖2-2)。另一身是少女,頭髮左右垂落,到腳跟的裳上著紅色花紋的上衣。與這兩身童子悠然自得的神態相對照,觀音表現的比較模式化。天衣和裝飾品的表現也格式化,身體曲線是圓形的,頭大,手臂非常長。與同時期製作的下一圖的觀世音菩薩像一樣,畫面左上角的長方形題箋中沒記任何文字。
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