painting; 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.69

Period:Tang dynasty Production date:9thC
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Subjects:lokapala arms/armour 天王 (Chinese) 武器/盔甲 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 63 centimetres Width: 67 centimetres

Fragment of a large, splendid painting of a lokapala, possibly Dhrtarastra, Guardian of the East, showing the lower part of the face, armour and left hand holding an arrow. He wears a large, blue jewel at the neck. Ink and colour on silk.
图片[1]-painting; 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.69-China Archive

Comments:EnglishFrom Whitfield 1982:Although fragmentary, this painting shows how splendid the finest paintings at Dunhuang could be. The width is likely to have been 75 cm or more, and so the whole figure must have stood over 2 metres high. Compared to the smaller banners painted with the help of stencils, more individual attention has been paid to details, both as regards the outlines and modelling and in the final colouring.The Lokapāla, from the arrow he is carrying, is probably Dhrtarāstra, Guardian of the East. His face is outlined in thick heavy ink lines, but these are subsequently almost lost beneath the luxuriant growth of beard flowing in smooth lines almost like a magnetic field from the ends of the mouth, chin and temples. The items of his apparel correspond to those of other guardian kings, but are more gorgeously decorated, as in the rows of scale armour, each of a different colour, the borders of embroidered flowers, and the splendid blue jewel worn at the neck. ChineseFrom Whitfield 1982:此畫雖然是斷片,但能如實地說明在敦煌創造過多麽精美的繪畫。其幅寬是75釐米或者更寬,整個立像的高度無疑會超過2米。與利用模板的小型幡畫相比,此畫無論線描、樣式還是色彩,都非常細緻周到。從此像手持矢看,可能是東方的守護神,即持國天。臉部輪廓用生硬粗糙的墨線來描繪。而嘴邊、下顎以及鬢角處似磁場,吸住無數流利柔和線表現的豐滿鬍鬚,幾乎將它們隱埋。身上穿的衣物本身與其他天王像基本無差別,只是表現極爲華麗,每段鎧甲鱗片分別塗不同的顔色,刺繡花紋的邊飾、嵌青色寶石的美麗首飾,裝飾非常豪華。
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