Brush washer with impressed decorations of paired fish and waves in white glaze, Jin to Yuan dynasty, 12th -14th century

Brush washer with impressed decorations of paired fish and waves in white glaze, Jin to Yuan dynasty, 12th -14th century

  • Image Number: C1B000338N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty: Jin dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Stationery and stationery
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Open washing, curved deep wall, flat bottom, wide concave flat edge, round foot, convex lip edge of the outer wall of the mouth. The whole vessel is covered with white enamel, which is bright and moist. The mouth edge is unglazed, inlaid with copper rib buckle, and the foot tip is also unglazed, gray. The insole is decorated with a painted Pisces, with light lines.

金-元 白瓷雙魚水波紋暗花洗
图片[2]-Brush washer with impressed decorations of paired fish and waves in white glaze, Jin to Yuan dynasty, 12th -14th century-China Archive
图片[3]-Brush washer with impressed decorations of paired fish and waves in white glaze, Jin to Yuan dynasty, 12th -14th century-China Archive
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