Period:Qing dynasty Production date:19thC
Dimensions:Height: 200 millimetres Width: 112 millimetres
Dehua porcelain figure of a seated Guanyin wrapped in a cape, with hair is in knots resting on her shoulders, and a small slit on either side of her mouth. White. The figure has a hollow interior.
![图片[3]-figure BM-PDF.418-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366253_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 418Figure of Guanyin Potters made figures of gods and goddesses for domestic altars as well as to export at the Dehua kilns. Porcelains from Dehua were exported to Europe as evidenced by excavations, shipwrecks, shipping lists and inventories of possessions. They were also made for the domestic market. Figures of Guanyin are quite common. Many of these bear the marks of individual potters or their families. This one is inscribed on the back雲山 劉夢龍製 (Yunshan, Liu Menglong zhi ‘made by Liu Menglong of Yunshan’).Porcelain moulded and carved with transparent glazeDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1900 PDF 418白釉觀音塑像德化窯陶工製作的陶瓷神像不僅供國內供奉,也遠銷境外。在福建,陶瓷塑像的出現原本是為了替代象牙雕塑,前者成本更低。考古發掘、沉船、貨運清單及財產清單皆可作為證據,證明德化窯陶瓷曾經銷往歐洲。當然,德化窯在國內市場也有銷售,如觀音塑像就相當流行,而佛像相對較少。許多塑像都印有工匠個人或家族的款識,此尊佛像背後有款識“雲山劉夢龍製”。瓷器,模塑,雕刻,透明釉德化窯福建省德化清代,約1800-1900年
Dimensions:Height: 200 millimetres Width: 112 millimetres
Dehua porcelain figure of a seated Guanyin wrapped in a cape, with hair is in knots resting on her shoulders, and a small slit on either side of her mouth. White. The figure has a hollow interior.
![图片[1]-figure BM-PDF.418-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366251_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-figure BM-PDF.418-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366252_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-figure BM-PDF.418-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00366253_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 418Figure of Guanyin Potters made figures of gods and goddesses for domestic altars as well as to export at the Dehua kilns. Porcelains from Dehua were exported to Europe as evidenced by excavations, shipwrecks, shipping lists and inventories of possessions. They were also made for the domestic market. Figures of Guanyin are quite common. Many of these bear the marks of individual potters or their families. This one is inscribed on the back雲山 劉夢龍製 (Yunshan, Liu Menglong zhi ‘made by Liu Menglong of Yunshan’).Porcelain moulded and carved with transparent glazeDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1900 PDF 418白釉觀音塑像德化窯陶工製作的陶瓷神像不僅供國內供奉,也遠銷境外。在福建,陶瓷塑像的出現原本是為了替代象牙雕塑,前者成本更低。考古發掘、沉船、貨運清單及財產清單皆可作為證據,證明德化窯陶瓷曾經銷往歐洲。當然,德化窯在國內市場也有銷售,如觀音塑像就相當流行,而佛像相對較少。許多塑像都印有工匠個人或家族的款識,此尊佛像背後有款識“雲山劉夢龍製”。瓷器,模塑,雕刻,透明釉德化窯福建省德化清代,約1800-1900年
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