Autumn Woods and Flying Cascade

Autumn Woods and Flying Cascade

  • Image Number: K2A000825N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Fan Kuan;范寬
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 181×99.5
  • Description:
    Fan Kuan (active in the early 11th century) was born in Huayuan (now Yaoxian County, Shaanxi Province). The original name is Zhongzheng, with the word Zhongli. Because of his generous disposition, the people of the time called him Fan Kuan. His painting brush is powerful and his ink is thick. The composition of the picture is simple, so visually, it can particularly show the majesty and quality of the mountain. However, the texturing pattern of the mountain stone is split with an axe, which is obviously different from Fan Kuan’s Painting of Traveling in the Mountains by Raindrops, which is collected by our institute, and is closer to Li Tang’s painting style. In the painting, the red maple floats on the water, which is the expression of Cui Xin’s famous line of the Tang Dynasty, “The maple falls on the Wujiang River and is cold”.

宋范寬秋林飛瀑 軸

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