figure BM-2022-3034.120

Period:Shang dynasty Production date:12thC BC (circa)
Materials:jade, cinnabar (traces),
Technique:bevelled, incised,
Subjects:wild cat/big cat
Dimensions:Height: 1.90 centimetres Length: 5.40 centimetres

Tiger silhouette of translucent pale green jade with areas of calcification with traces of cinnabar.
图片[1]-figure BM-2022-3034.120-China Archive

Comments:The tiger with lowered head with open jaws has C-scroll ears, bevelled spirals representing the limb joints and longitudinal incisions the length of the body and tail depicting stripes of the tiger. Both sides are similarly decorated although one side is flat and the other convex. One perforation runs through the mouth of the beast and the other perforation through its curled tail. See Bluett 1973, and Rawson 1995, p.214, This feline with lowered head and open jaw has a rounded eye and a large c-scroll ear. Its undulating back gives it the appearance of a crouching animal, with two paws bent. The long tail is coiled backwards. On both sides the limbs and striped pelt of the animal are shown with incised lines. One side is flat and other convex. There are small holes through the mouth and the coiled tail. The surface has a soft polish. Tigers entered the repertoire of the Shang jade carver at about the same time as the dragon. As with dragon pendants, the early examples of tigers tend to be three dimensional. Very quickly the tiger pendants were flattened and then simplified. The present tiger can be compared with tiger-shaped pendants from Shandong Yidu xian.
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