Period:Southern Song dynasty Production date:1127-1279
Materials:stoneware, copper,
Dimensions:Diameter: 64 millimetres (base) Diameter: 195 millimetres Height: 50 millimetres Weight: 0.30 kilograms
Guan stoneware dish with sloping sides and six-lobed rim. The dish has a dark grey body covered with translucent greyish-blue glaze with fine crackle, stained brown in areas, and a rim bound with copper alloy at a later date. Where exposed, the body has turned reddish-brown in firing. There is an incised inscription on the base. The base and the foot are glazed and the foot rim unglazed.
![图片[8]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00826424_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Southern Song 12th-13thC Room 95 label text:PDF A32Guan ware dish with inscription on the baseThe incised inscription on the base reads: 鐡足冰紋火氣蠲, 口分六出體規圓, 較於瓶斝猶多見, 華者脆和樸者堅 乾隆丙申夏御題 Tiezu bingwen huoqi juan, koufen liu chu ti gui yuan, jiao yu ping jia you duojian, huazhe cui he puzhe jianQianlong bingshen xia yuti It has been translated as: It has an iron foot and a crackled ice pattern from its high firing. Its rim is six-petalled like a sunflower, and its body round. This form is not so rare as vases and cups. Objects of beauty are fragile, but those with simple strength endure. Composed by Qianlong in the summer of the bingshen year [AD 1776] and written by the emperor.The seal at the end of the inscription reads 古香 (guxiang ‘ancient fragrance’). Stoneware with celadon glazeGuan ware 官窯Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江省,杭州市Southern Song dynasty, about AD 1127–1279 PDF A32官窯刻御題詩盤外底刻詩:“鐡足冰紋火氣蠲,口分六出體規圓。 較於瓶斝猶多見,華者脆和樸者堅。乾隆丙申夏御題。”大意是:器物的鐵足和冰裂紋源自窯火高溫。口沿六出如葵花形,器形渾圓。瓷盤器形並不像瓶與飲水器那樣少見;因為華美的器物更為脆弱,樸實者反而耐久。乾隆皇帝作於丙申年(1776年)夏日。詩尾附“古香”(遠古之芬芳)印一方。炻器,青釉官窯浙江省杭州市南宋,約1127-1279年
Materials:stoneware, copper,
Dimensions:Diameter: 64 millimetres (base) Diameter: 195 millimetres Height: 50 millimetres Weight: 0.30 kilograms
Guan stoneware dish with sloping sides and six-lobed rim. The dish has a dark grey body covered with translucent greyish-blue glaze with fine crackle, stained brown in areas, and a rim bound with copper alloy at a later date. Where exposed, the body has turned reddish-brown in firing. There is an incised inscription on the base. The base and the foot are glazed and the foot rim unglazed.
![图片[1]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384609_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00384612_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00814904_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00814908_001.jpg)
![图片[5]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00814916_001.jpg)
![图片[6]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00826410_001.jpg)
![图片[7]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00826420_001.jpg)
![图片[8]-dish BM-PDF-A.32-China Archive]( Song dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00826424_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Southern Song 12th-13thC Room 95 label text:PDF A32Guan ware dish with inscription on the baseThe incised inscription on the base reads: 鐡足冰紋火氣蠲, 口分六出體規圓, 較於瓶斝猶多見, 華者脆和樸者堅 乾隆丙申夏御題 Tiezu bingwen huoqi juan, koufen liu chu ti gui yuan, jiao yu ping jia you duojian, huazhe cui he puzhe jianQianlong bingshen xia yuti It has been translated as: It has an iron foot and a crackled ice pattern from its high firing. Its rim is six-petalled like a sunflower, and its body round. This form is not so rare as vases and cups. Objects of beauty are fragile, but those with simple strength endure. Composed by Qianlong in the summer of the bingshen year [AD 1776] and written by the emperor.The seal at the end of the inscription reads 古香 (guxiang ‘ancient fragrance’). Stoneware with celadon glazeGuan ware 官窯Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江省,杭州市Southern Song dynasty, about AD 1127–1279 PDF A32官窯刻御題詩盤外底刻詩:“鐡足冰紋火氣蠲,口分六出體規圓。 較於瓶斝猶多見,華者脆和樸者堅。乾隆丙申夏御題。”大意是:器物的鐵足和冰裂紋源自窯火高溫。口沿六出如葵花形,器形渾圓。瓷盤器形並不像瓶與飲水器那樣少見;因為華美的器物更為脆弱,樸實者反而耐久。乾隆皇帝作於丙申年(1776年)夏日。詩尾附“古香”(遠古之芬芳)印一方。炻器,青釉官窯浙江省杭州市南宋,約1127-1279年
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