Islamic inlaid bronze bowl with Arabic inscription, 12th-14th century

Islamic inlaid bronze bowl with Arabic inscription, 12th-14th century

  • Image Number: C1A001901N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/Copper
  • Description:
    The round mouth is slightly closed, the shoulder is inclined to the abdomen, and the sharp downward contraction is a small flat bottom. The surface of the instrument is indistinct, and the lip part vaguely seems to have Muslim characters, but it is difficult to identify. The belly is shaped like a long melon, and the edges are connected like petals. Every six edges are decorated with continuous four petal flowers and curly branch honeysuckle patterns, and the center of the inner bottom is carved with a round flower composed of four groups of honeysuckle patterns. Its shape and patterns are similar to those of the 13th century Huluo Mountain bronze ware. Islam calls it the tas, which refers to the bowl held in the hand. Similar shapes and patterns have been found in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria and other regions today. Their ages are determined to be between the 12th and 14th centuries. At that time, the vast area was also in the territory of the Irkhanate, one of the four dynasties of the Yuan Dynasty. Genghis Khan’s westward expedition promoted trade and cultural exchanges between Europe and Asia, and Islam in the Middle East

图片[2]-Islamic inlaid bronze bowl with Arabic inscription, 12th-14th century-China Archive
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