Inkstone inscribed with “Yu dai sheng” , inscription attributed to Wen Tianxiang (1236-1282), Song dynasty (960-1279)

Inkstone inscribed with “Yu dai sheng” , inscription attributed to Wen Tianxiang (1236-1282), Song dynasty (960-1279)

  • Image Number: K1F000140N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Studio implements
  • Function: Stationery
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Endstone
  • Description:
    The long strip is like a tongue, with a natural white pattern on the middle waist. The surface of the inkstone is smooth and plain. The pool is like a half moon. The ink hall is shallow and concave. Above the pool, the seal character “Jade belt is born” is engraved in the shade. There are two seal script inscriptions on the side wall. The upper one is Wen Tianxiang, and the lower one is the imperial inscription of the Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty. They are: “Purple clothes are continuous, jade belts are thin, the middle part is deep, the outer part is deep, and the outer part is bright. Alas! The hardness of the grinding heart is strong, and the life of my text is handed down.” Payment: “Luling Wentianxiang System”. “The festival is easy to celebrate with eagerness, but difficult to celebrate with ease. The poor north will experience the cold and summer again. The ambition of being a bandit can be seen in the bias of righteousness. The sun and the moon win glory, while the mud is useless, the jade belt will live forever, and good deeds will never die.” Section: “Emperor Qianlong’s Imperial Inscription”, seal: “Bide”. The Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty on the back of the inkstone made the craftsman in the palace engrave official script in the shade to remember The full text and recognition are: “The jade belt gives birth to a song. The jade belt gives birth to people, acts as the prime minister of literature, and is the guest of literature and calligraphy. The craftsman stepped on the cloud to cut cold jade, and pursued to carve Qiu Pan Green. He was once a treasure at the banquet of the country of faith, but Mo Shen hesitated to cry with blood and tears. He was happy to do things in the afternoon, and the jade belt student returned from the country of faith. The people who fought on the seashore broke up, and the jade belt was born to be the companion of the country of faith. The jade belt gave birth! I only sighed for the bright and clean Zhuo! Hu Wei? But I laughed at the inferior Zhuyuan dogs. This is for the time of the daily classes in the book window of the residence, and a recent review of the old Maoqin Hall Things, then jade belt is born in Wan. This is the inscription of the song. Qianlong Jiawu (the 39th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong, 1774) celebrated the reign of the Emperor Jiaping on the lunar calendar. ” Seal: “Ancient Fragrance”, “Tai Pu”. Wen Tianxiang (1236-1 282) has the character of Song Rui, and the character of good behavior. He has a great body, looks as beautiful as jade, and looks at Ye Ran with his eyebrows and eyes. In the 20th year of his reign, he was promoted to the first place by Emperor Lizong of the Song Dynasty. At the end of the Song Dynasty, he fought against the Yuan Dynasty and died in the country.

宋 傳文天祥 玉帶生硯
图片[2]-Inkstone inscribed with “Yu dai sheng” , inscription attributed to Wen Tianxiang (1236-1282), Song dynasty (960-1279)-China Archive
图片[3]-Inkstone inscribed with “Yu dai sheng” , inscription attributed to Wen Tianxiang (1236-1282), Song dynasty (960-1279)-China Archive
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