banner; painting; 幡(Chinese); 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.106

Period:Tang dynasty Production date:9thC
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Subjects:lokapala devil/demon 天王 (Chinese) 魔鬼/惡魔 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 45.50 centimetres Width: 16 centimetres

Painted banner with lokapala Virūpākṣa, Guardian of the West, with red face (his distinctive colour) and splendidly dressed, stamping on a demon. Blank cartouche on left side. Ink and colour on silk.
图片[1]-banner; painting; 幡(Chinese); 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.106-China Archive

Comments:EnglishFrom Whitfield 1982:Both Virūpāksa in this banner and Dhrtarāstra in the following one are magnificently attired but kingly rather that demonic in their appearance and thoughtful rather than threatening. The figures on which they stand, too, are supportive and recognizably human rather than cringing long-haired demonic types. The manner of their depiction with short thick and thin lines is similar to that of the Vajrapāni of Pl. 58 which Nagahiro (1964) has contrasted with the even, continuous lines characteristic, even for figures such as a Vajrapāni, of the early eighth century. Following his argument, a date in the middle or late ninth century seems possible.In Stein’s opinion this banner belonged to the same series as that of Dhrtarāstra in the following plate. The two are technically similar, unlike most of the banners, in having a selvedge at the bottom, so that the warp is horizontal instead of vertical. They also have similar sage-green streamers. ChineseFrom Whitfield 1982:此廣目天像幡畫和下一圖的持國天,有漂亮的裝飾,與其說是鬼神,不如說有王者風範更合適,與其說威赫不如説是智慧。兩者腳踏的地鬼都被踏扁,不是長髮的魔鬼形象,而是表現理解和支持的人類。描法是使用連接肥瘦不一的短線,近於圖58的金剛力士像的描法。關於此描法,長廣敏雄先生(《東方學報》1964年)講,只有8世紀前半葉的金剛力士像才使用無停頓的順暢線描。因此,根據先生的論點,該畫是9世紀中葉或者後半葉的作品較爲妥當。斯坦因將此幡看作和下一圖持國天的幡屬同一系列的作品。兩者的技法相似。與其他所有幡的區別的,還有來自下端的織邊,經線和畫面是水平走向而非垂直走向。再者,兩個都有同樣的青綠色幡腳。
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