Period:Tang dynasty Production date:9thC
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Subjects:lokapala arms/armour devil/demon 天王 (Chinese) 武器/盔甲 (Chinese) 魔鬼/惡魔 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 48.80 centimetres (image) Width: 19 centimetres (image)
Painted banner of lokapala Virūpākṣa, Guardian of the West, shown standing, holding a sword. His jewelled scabbard rests directly on a demon’s head, only the hair of which remains. Ink and colour on silk.
![图片[1]-banner; painting; 幡(Chinese); 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.137.+-China Archive]( dynasty/Paintings/mid_00000138_001.jpg)
Comments:EnglishFrom Whitfield 1982:Although it has lost all its accessories, this banner remains quite impressive and is finely drawn: note the alternate red and black lines of the beard and the shaded white of the leg-coverings tied around the knees. Of the supporting figure below, only the sparse red hair remains, enough to show that it was one of the cringing demon types probably modelled in colour washes alone. Virūpāksa’s jewelled scabbard rests directly on the demon’s head. In the facial delineation of the king, the sharply angled mouthline suggests a late ninth – century date for the painting. ChineseFrom Whitfield 1982:此幡儘管沒有留下一件附屬品,但從其細緻的描繪,可以看出是一件震撼人心的佳品。用墨線和朱線两色交替描繪的髯,膝蓋以下以帶子結紮用白色暈染的長綁腿,都很引人注目。下方地鬼淩亂的紅毛髮只殘存一小部分,但僅從其色彩,便足以反映出其所描繪的下蹲惡鬼的形象。廣目天用鞘上鑲嵌寶石的刀壓住地鬼的頭。從唇線呈銳利的特點來看,該繪畫是9世紀後半葉的作品。
Materials:silk, 絲綢 (Chinese),
Subjects:lokapala arms/armour devil/demon 天王 (Chinese) 武器/盔甲 (Chinese) 魔鬼/惡魔 (Chinese)
Dimensions:Height: 48.80 centimetres (image) Width: 19 centimetres (image)
Painted banner of lokapala Virūpākṣa, Guardian of the West, shown standing, holding a sword. His jewelled scabbard rests directly on a demon’s head, only the hair of which remains. Ink and colour on silk.
![图片[1]-banner; painting; 幡(Chinese); 繪畫(Chinese) BM-1919-0101-0.137.+-China Archive]( dynasty/Paintings/mid_00000138_001.jpg)
Comments:EnglishFrom Whitfield 1982:Although it has lost all its accessories, this banner remains quite impressive and is finely drawn: note the alternate red and black lines of the beard and the shaded white of the leg-coverings tied around the knees. Of the supporting figure below, only the sparse red hair remains, enough to show that it was one of the cringing demon types probably modelled in colour washes alone. Virūpāksa’s jewelled scabbard rests directly on the demon’s head. In the facial delineation of the king, the sharply angled mouthline suggests a late ninth – century date for the painting. ChineseFrom Whitfield 1982:此幡儘管沒有留下一件附屬品,但從其細緻的描繪,可以看出是一件震撼人心的佳品。用墨線和朱線两色交替描繪的髯,膝蓋以下以帶子結紮用白色暈染的長綁腿,都很引人注目。下方地鬼淩亂的紅毛髮只殘存一小部分,但僅從其色彩,便足以反映出其所描繪的下蹲惡鬼的形象。廣目天用鞘上鑲嵌寶石的刀壓住地鬼的頭。從唇線呈銳利的特點來看,該繪畫是9世紀後半葉的作品。
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