Jade Carved Double Dragon Head Pendant

[Jade Carved Double Dragon Head Pendant]

Jade Carved Double Dragon Head Pendant, late Warring States Period, 13.5 cm long, 7 cm high, and 0.3 cm thick. In 1977, the late Warring States period tomb was unearthed in Yanggong Township, Changfeng County, Anhui Province
The jade pendant is made of sapphire, with colored and translucent spots, in a thin sheet shape, and has a “bow” shape as a whole. With the center line as the axis of symmetry, the pendant is docked with two dragons. The carved dragons at both ends look up and curl their lips. The body of the dragon is short and wide, decorated with convex grain patterns that are connected by short Yin lines. The middle part of the pendant is carved with cloud patterns on the upper and lower sides, and there are carved holes on the upper and two lower corners for threading
This jade pendant is the central jade piece in the middle of a group of jade pendants. This type of semi body dragon jade pendant with forelimbs is very rare among the Warring States jade pendants.
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