Jade Beast Face Valley Pattern

[Jade Beast Face Valley Carved Wall]

Jade Beast Face Valley Carved Wall, in the late Warring States Period, has a diameter of 16.5 centimeters, an aperture of 4.8 centimeters, and a thickness of 0.3 centimeters. Unearthed from the Warring States Tomb in Yanggong Township, Changfeng County, Anhui Province in 1977
The jade material is green and brown due to burial. The wall is large and slightly thin, with the same decorative patterns on both sides. The outer edge of the wall and the edge near the hole are bounded by a single Yin line, and the central area is separated by two peripheral Yin lines as the inner and outer areas. The inner area is decorated with grain patterns, which are slightly convex and in a spiral shape, and on top of them, there are also Yin line spiral patterns. The outer area is decorated with three sets of double body animal face patterns, with a wide animal face facing the inner hole and carved with thin Yin lines. There are protruding limbs on both sides of the animal face, thin and long, resembling a snake body, which are crisscrossed and coiled. The animal face and parts of the animal body are bounded by thick and shallow Yin lines
This type of beast face valley carved bi was mostly unearthed in tombs of the Warring States and Han Dynasties, with four groups of beast face patterns being the most common, with the beast face mostly facing the outer edge of the bi.
图片[1]-Jade Beast Face Valley Pattern-China Archive

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