Shoushan Stone “Avoid Fame and Seek Truth” Chapter

[Shoushan Stone “Avoid Fame and Seek Truth” Chapter]

Shoushan Stone “Avoid Fame and Seek Truth” Chapter, in modern times, Wu Yin seal cutting, with a side length of 3.4 centimeters and a height of 6.2 centimeters
Made of Shoushan stone, square, plain side style. In seal script, in white script, the words “avoid fame and seek truth” are read from the top right. The border style is engraved in regular script, which reads: “In the second month of the year of Ji Hai, Sima Yi imitated the life of a man, and Wu Yinshi Qianfu wrote it on the sea.”
“Fame” refers to “great name”, and those who do not match the name and reality are merely illusory. “The Lv Spring and Autumn Annals Review Ying” reads: “Love the world, do not pretend to be the same, there must be the truth.” Therefore, the author engraved this seal to alert himself. The method of printing this article is appropriate, dignified and harmonious, with no loss of bloat and a feeling of simplicity

图片[1]-Shoushan Stone “Avoid Fame and Seek Truth” Chapter-China Archive
图片[2]-Shoushan Stone “Avoid Fame and Seek Truth” Chapter-China Archive“避盛名求实事”石章印面图片[3]-Shoushan Stone “Avoid Fame and Seek Truth” Chapter-China Archive“避盛名求实事”石章钤本图片[4]-Shoushan Stone “Avoid Fame and Seek Truth” Chapter-China Archive“避盛名求实事”石章边款拓本

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