Figure Axis of Fu Baoshi Imitating Chen Hongshou

[Fu Baoshi Imitation of Chen Hongshou Figure Axis]

“Imitation of Chen Hongshou Figure Axis”, modern times, Fu Baoshi painting, paper version, color setting, vertical 137.6 cm, horizontal 34.4 cm
The title of this painting is: “Parasitic to the Jin and Song dynasties, we joined hands with the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and the pine and tobacco tubes were used to write about our worries. This spring, I read that the old lotus returned to Jingben and ten leaves, and each time I tried to stroke them, I failed. I would like to commend the question of the fan and consider it. One day before the Dragon Boat Festival in Yiyou, Fu Baoshi was in the western suburbs of Chongqing.” I sealed the “Fu” Zhu Wen rectangular seal, the “Bao Shi Italy” white text square seal, the “Yiyou” Zhu Wen rectangular seal, and the “Life Restoration” Zhu Wen Fang seal
Yiyou was born in 1945
Fu Baoshi highly valued Chen Hongshou, a painter of the Ming Dynasty. He believed that Chen not only inherited the excellent tradition of national painting, but also creatively developed the tradition. For the portrayal of historical figures, Chen Shi, through a long period of extensive and in-depth research experience, admired the person, condensed and imaged, the so-called “get it from the heart, shape it from the pen”, can show the spiritual temperament and personality characteristics of each character, which has the greatest impact on modern Chinese figure painting (see Fu Baoshi’s Preface to Chen Laolian’s “Water Margin Leaves”). Fu Baoshi’s figure painting has also absorbed some advantages of Chen Hongshou’s lines and character modeling, and integrated into his own artistic image
This picture is something that Fu Baoshi understood after viewing the “Returning Painting” drawn by Chen Hongshou. He faced one of the “Praise Fan” leaves on his back at home. Although he claims to be writing the original version of Lao Lian, it is not entirely true. Apart from the exaggerated shape of the characters, the fine strength of the lines used in the clothes, and the charm of Chen’s style, other objects such as bluestone and utensils are all in his own style
The picture shows a painter who has just completed two fan surfaces, closed his eyes and crossed his hands, and remained calm, as if reflecting on the gains and losses in the creative process. “Parasitic to the Jin and Song dynasties, hand in hand with the Shang and Zhou dynasties,” the four words of praise all refer to their admiration for past sages, their devotion to manners, their love for antiques, and their elegant tastes; “Pine smoke pipes to write my worries” means that he uses his pen and ink to dispel various emotions that fill his mind. From this perspective, the purpose of Fu Baoshi’s statue as a painter is actually to express his personal interests and pursuits based on his own situation
This picture is donated by Mrs. Fu Baoshi, Luo Shihui

图片[1]-Figure Axis of Fu Baoshi Imitating Chen Hongshou-China Archive

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