Fu Baoshi Pine Forest Staff Map Axis

[Fu Baoshi Pine Forest Staff Drawing Axis]

Pine Forest Staff Drawing Axis, modern times, Fu Baoshi painting, paper version, color setting, vertical 97.5cm, horizontal 45.5cm
The title of this painting is: “In the third month of Yiyou’s reign, it was written on the foot of Mount Vajra on the slope of Baoshi.” The seal is “Baoshi Private Seal”, with a white square seal, and “Often Drunken Queen”, with a red rectangular seal
Yiyou was born in 1945
The picture is written under the pines, and the old man looks back and looks out into the distance. However, he can see the thousands of peaks towering dangerously, the mountains covered with verdant green, and the hundred foot flying spring pouring like the Milky Way, which is impressive. The composition of this painting is unique. It does not sketch the water inlet as usual, but just intercepts a section of the waterfall. Although it has no head or tail, it further highlights the majesty of the waterfall, making the silent picture convey the striking momentum of the sound that shocks thousands of miles. In the poem “Looking at the Waterfall of Lushan Mountain (Two Songs)” by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, the first passage reads: “Climbing Xianglu Peak in the west, you can see the waterfall water in the south. The water flows for three hundred zhang and sprays for tens of miles. The mist is like a flying lightning, hidden as a white rainbow. At first, it startles the river and the Han Dynasty to fall, and half sprinkles into the clouds. Looking up at the momentum, it turns majestic. The sea breeze blows continuously, and the river and moon still shine in the sky. The air is scattered in disorder, washing the green walls around. The flying beads scatter the light glow, and the foam boils over the dome stones. However, I enjoy the famous mountain, and my heart is more relaxed towards it. Regardless of the gargle of Qiong liquid, I still have to wash my face. And I will always be happy to die on earth, as long as I can live harmoniously.” This picture seems to be a true representation of his poetry, and it is also a work of the painter connecting his heart with the ancient people’s spiritual connection
This picture is donated by Mrs. Fu Baoshi, Luo Shihui.
图片[1]-Fu Baoshi Pine Forest Staff Map Axis-China Archive

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