Xu Beihong Tiger Figure Axis

[Xu Beihong’s Tiger Painting Axis]

The “Tiger Painting” axis, in modern times, is painted by Xu Beihong, in paper, with colors, 90.4 centimeters vertically and 43.6 centimeters horizontally
Self title: “In the seventh year of the winter, Mr. Shu Ping presented various gifts to the Han and Wei dynasties. This is to be reported and commemorated. Sad Hong.” With the seal of “Sad Hong”, Zhu Wenyuan. In the lower right corner of the painting, there is a white square seal with the words “Miaoji Qiwei”
The seventh year refers to the seventh year of the Republic of China (1918), when Xu Beihong was 23 years old
The picture depicts a spotted tiger lying on a stone, turning around and looking back into the distance. Its alert gaze not only expands the spatial sense of the picture, but also reveals the supremacy of the king of beasts
The tiger in the picture is painted with the light color halo of traditional Chinese painting, using fine and vigorous strokes to outline the movement of the tiger’s desire to move and stop, and alternately rendering the fur on the back of the tiger with deep or shallow ochre and rattan yellow, showing a delicate and smooth texture
In calligraphy, Xu Beihong was quite influenced by Kang Youwei and worked on the name extension of Han and Wei calligraphy. In November 1918, Xu Beihong secured a place to study in France at public expense. Before going to France, I received a gift from my friend Ma Heng (character Shuping) from Jing Tuo of the Han and Wei Dynasties. I was very happy, so I carefully drew this picture as a reward.
图片[1]-Xu Beihong Tiger Figure Axis-China Archive

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