Mei Guifei Spring Guiren Joy Map Axis

“Meiguifei Spring Noble People’s Joy Map Axis”

The axis of “Meiguifei Spring Noble People’s Joy Map”, Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, paper version, colored, 169 cm vertically and 90 cm horizontally
The protagonist depicted in this picture, Mei Guifei, surnamed Xu Jia, was a concubine of Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty. She was a nobleman at the beginning and later became a concubine of Mei. During the reign of Emperor Tongzhi, he was honored as Mei Guifei
This picture depicts the scene of Mei Guifei, Chun Guiren, and Xin often fishing in the garden. The characters are Bi Xiao in form and spirit, with distinct personalities and distinct portrait characteristics, which have valuable visual value for studying the entertainment life of late Qing concubines in the court

图片[1]-Mei Guifei Spring Guiren Joy Map Axis-China Archive

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