Bronze Mirror with the Three Pleasures, middle Tang period, 8th to 9th century

Bronze Mirror with the Three Pleasures, middle Tang period, 8th to 9th century

  • Image Number: K1A002001N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Tang dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: Household appliance
  • Material: Mineral/Metal/Bronze
  • Description:
    Round mirror, hemispherical button. Above the mirror button is a framed inscription with three lines: “Rong Qiqi/Q&A/Confucius”. On the left is Confucius holding a staff, and on the right is Rong Qiqi wearing deerskin. A willow tree stands below, symbolizing the countryside. The allusion to this picture comes from Liezi’s “Heavenly Auspicious”: “Confucius traveled in Mount Tai and saw Rong Qiqi walking in the wild, with deer fur and rope, and singing on the drum. Confucius asked,” Why are you so happy? ” He said, “I have a lot of happiness: I am born with all things, and only people are valued. And I have one happiness to be a man. Men are superior to women, so men are valued. I have two joys to be a man. There are people who can’t see the sun and the moon, and who can’t avoid being a baby. I have lived for 90 years, and I have three joys. The poor people are always the poor, and the dead are always the end of the dead. Why should I worry?” Confucius said, “Good! Those who can forgive themselves

中唐 三樂鏡

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