Bronze Mirror with the Five Marchmounts and Flying Deities, High Tang period, 7th to 8th century

Bronze Mirror with the Five Marchmounts and Flying Deities, High Tang period, 7th to 8th century

  • Image Number: K1A002004N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Tang dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: Household appliance
  • Material: Mineral/Metal/Bronze
  • Description:
    The mirror is in the shape of a square rhombus. The round button is decorated with the pattern of a lotus petal. The button seat with the four leaf cloud head pattern is deformed. If the button is put horizontally and horizontally, and a horizontal line is drawn, the upper and lower patterns are just symmetrical. The four birds in the outer corner of the seat are flying above the clouds with flowers in their mouths. Each side is decorated with a high mountain, which is combined with the protruding mirror button in the center to form five mountains. The four flying fairy scarves above the birds are fluttering, and each hand holds a auspicious flower and auspicious grass to fly above the clouds. The four square mountains are decorated with three horizontal boundaries, which seem to hide the clouds. The edge of the mirror is wide and plain, and the bird cloud pattern is decorated around the near edge. According to the flying mirror unearthed from the No. 1 tomb of Han Senzhai in the 4th year of Tianbao, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (745) in Xi’an, this kind of decorative pattern was popular in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The mountain below the mirror represents the pure land on earth, while the cloud mountain above represents the clear state of Buddhism. The three horizontal lines below the cloud mountain may represent the meaning of the three worlds of Buddhism. Buddhism believes that the three worlds (Sanskrit Trilok

盛唐 飛仙四岳鏡

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