Copper gilded enamel pavilion with lifting tower clock inside

[Copper gilded enamel pavilion with lifting tower clock inside]

Copper gilded enamel pavilion with lifting tower clock inside, Guangzhou, Qing Qianlong, height 108 cm, width 44 cm, thickness 38 cm.
The clock is divided into three layers. Music and mobile devices are installed on the ground floor. There is a three pin clock centered on the bottom front. The arches on both sides of the clock plate are equipped with rotatable flower basket twin children, and the scenery boxes on the left and right sides are paved with water glass rod. Inside the second floor door, there is a nine-storey pagoda with adjustable copper and gold plating. Beside the pagoda, there are winged feathered people on the left and right sides, holding hands to make a kowtow. The four corners of the second floor and upper platform have turnstiles. Inside the upper pavilion door, a person holds a folding couplet
The clock is strung behind the bottom floor, and in the music, the boy holding the basket of flowers turns around in situ; The pagoda rises layer by layer and gradually descends; Feather People Worship Tower; The holder of the fold moves out of the door, stands at the designated position, opens the fold, and folds the four characters “Forever and Forever” on the book; The four cornered flowers rotate accordingly. When the music stopped, the tower fell to its original position, the holder of the fold returned to the door, turned the flowers, and the boy stopped turning
Clocks in the form of lifting towers are not uncommon in modern mechanical clocks, but this one, which demonstrates the lifting of towers while accompanied by other complex activities, is truly rare, reflecting the superb level of clocks in Guangzhou.
图片[1]-Copper gilded enamel pavilion with lifting tower clock inside-China Archive
图片[2]-Copper gilded enamel pavilion with lifting tower clock inside-China Archive铜镀金嵌珐琅升降塔问乐钟(局部2)图片[3]-Copper gilded enamel pavilion with lifting tower clock inside-China Archive铜镀金嵌珐琅升降塔问乐钟(局部1)

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