Pink colored nine peach vase

[Pink Color Nine Peach Bottle]

Pink Color Nine Peach Bottle, Qing Qianlong, height 64.7 cm, caliber 22.2 cm, foot diameter 20.4 cm
The bottle has a straight mouth with a slight curl, a straight neck, a rounded belly, and rounded feet. A peach tree is painted throughout, with a strong trunk and nine flat peaches on its branches. The peach tree is lined with a cluster of roses. The bottom foot is stamped with a six character version of the blue and white seal script “made in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.”
During the Qianlong period, there were a large number of auspicious decorations on pastel porcelain, most of which relied on natural scenery to symbolize auspiciousness. The meticulous painting, clear layers, and cumbersome content are the characteristics of its era. This bottle uses a rendering technique to paint peach fruits, which are richly decorated with rich colors. It successfully displays the delicate and colorful color of mature peach fruits, with a dense composition, forming the effect of leaves facing away from each other, and trees with old branches and new buds. It is a representative work of large pastel utensils during the Qianlong period< Decorative porcelain with nine peach patterns has been the theme and style of official porcelain since Yongzheng, and there were still imitations during the Guangxu Dynasty. The pattern of nine peaches in the Yongzheng Dynasty can be seen in pastel celestial sphere vases, pastel olive vases, or cross branched pastel plates. Of all the pastel nine-peach porcelain of the Yongzheng, Qianlong, and Guangxu periods, the patterns of the Yongzheng period are the most brightly colored and diverse, with the highest level of painting.
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