Blue and white treasure moon vase with eight precious patterns and two ears

[Blue and White Eight Treasure Pattern Double Ear Treasure Moon Vase]

Blue and White Eight Treasure Pattern Double Ear Treasure Moon Vase, Qing Qianlong, height 34.5cm, caliber 5.8cm, foot diameter 8.5 × 12.5 cm
The bottle has a straight mouth, a thin neck, and a symmetrical Ruyi shaped double ear at the intersection of the neck and shoulder, a flat round belly, a central bulge on both sides of the abdomen, and an oval circular foot. The bottle is round like the full moon, so it is called “the treasure moon bottle” or “the holding moon bottle”. The whole body is decorated with blue and white flowers, with a circular pattern painted along the mouth. The neck pattern is divided into two layers, with the upper part painted with a Ruyi cloud pattern that is upward, and the lower part painted with a tangled branch pattern. The convex part of the abdomen is painted with a treasure phase flower, surrounded by an echo pattern and a lotus petal pattern. The center is painted with eight broad body lotus petal shaped blooms, while the inside of the blooms is painted with eight treasure patterns, and the sides of the abdomen are painted with four intertwined flowers. The foot wall is painted with a glossy ganoderma pattern. White glaze is applied to the sole of the foot, and the blue and white seal script “Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty” is inscribed inside with six characters and three lines
This bottle has a beautiful shape, a pure white carcass, a brilliant blue and white color, and dense markings can be seen at the heavy spots. It is caused by artificial coloring, mimicking the dense halo effect of the Ming Yongle and Xuande blue and white flowers. The matching of the Eight Treasures pattern and the lotus flower as decorative patterns has a strong religious color, and is a common decorative pattern in the Qianlong Dynasty porcelain of the Qing Dynasty.
图片[1]-Blue and white treasure moon vase with eight precious patterns and two ears-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue and white treasure moon vase with eight precious patterns and two ears-China Archive青花八宝纹双耳宝月瓶底款

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