Cow style flower arrangement in Shiwan kiln

[Shiwan Kiln Ox Style Flower Arrangement]

Shiwan Kiln Ox Style Flower Arrangement, clear, 19.5cm long, 11cm high
This flower arrangement has a cow shaped shape, with a thick and heavy carcass and a novel design. Yellow glaze is applied to the interior of the flower mouth, and the rest is covered with dark blue glaze. The glaze layer is thick, and the dark blue glaze exudes scallion white raindrop like spots. The cow’s head and legs also show the effect of kiln transformation. The basic tone of its kiln transformation is blue. Although it imitates the Jun kiln, it is greatly different and has a strong local characteristic
Shiwan Kiln is also known as “Guangjun” because it is located in Shiwan Town, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, and its products imitate the glaze color of Jun Kiln. Shiwan Kiln is famous for its ceramic sculptures and architectural ceramics. This flower arrangement sculpts a cow with a charmingly naive appearance. The glaze color is based on blue and varies greatly. Although it imitates Jun glaze, it is quite different. It is one of the representative works of Shiwan Kiln

图片[1]-Cow style flower arrangement in Shiwan kiln-China Archive

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